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Cyber risk mitigation platform

Cyber risk mitigation platform
  • Client

    🔒 NDA

  • Location

    🇺🇸 USA

  • Cooperation dates

    July 2020

  • Project status

    🟢 Ongoing

  • Scope of work

    ResearchPrototypeMVP DevelopmentPrioritization and Long Term RoadmapScaling

Cyber Sentinel: Risk Management Hub - A Partnership for Success

Navigating Cyber Risk Decisions with Confidence and Rapid Growth

Our client, a cybersecurity enterprise established in 2015, comprises seasoned experts striving to help businesses navigate cyber risk. As their main design and development partner, SH built their solution from scratch, transforming their prototype decision-making tool for C-suite executives into a fully tailored and scalable solution. Together, we've gone through the entire development cycle from the beginning, with our client's experienced team providing invaluable insight and guidance.

The challenge

During the summer of 2020, our client possessed a concept, extensive technical documentation, and uncertainties about the product's implementation. With initial corporate customers using the prototype and the client already generating revenue, it was essential to maintain momentum while elevating their product. Our task was to ensure a seamless transition and intuitive user interface for customers while enabling faster growth for the client.


Our support


Technology stack


The solution

Following an in-depth analysis of the prototype, we set out to refine the scope of work and prioritize tasks. Balancing customer needs and our client's aspirations, we embarked on a two-month Product Discovery process, involving numerous workshops and Miro boards. This led to a prioritized feature list for the demo version of the product. With the goal of swiftly launching a marketable product, we assembled the team and dove into development.
Once the MVP was up and running, we expanded their offering to an entirely new target market - private equity companies. This continuous discovery and development boosted the existing solution, initially not too user-friendly and with limited customization possibilities.


Scope - Works Timeline

After thoroughly analyzing the prototype, we knew we'd have to work on clarifying the scope of work to be done and do some serious prioritizing. The customers' needs and Our Client's ambitions were easily enough for a few years of work, so juggling functionalities to be implemented first proved to be quite the challenge. After a 2-month-long Product Discovery process, countless workshops and filled-in Miro boards, we finally had a prioritized list of features for the demoable version of the product. One of the goals was to get a sellable product to the market fast, so it was time to assemble the team and get to coding.


The process

The bespoke solution features a sophisticated front-end system, translating mathematical computations into digestible information, enabling companies to evaluate diverse cyber risk mitigation strategies. The model aligns with NIST and CIS cybersecurity frameworks, maintaining market standards.

Throughout the project, our team has grown significantly, showcasing our commitment to delivering the best results for our clients. With a strong track of high NPS scores, we've ensured that our work consistently exceeds expectations.

Handling highly sensitive data, we set up a dedicated GCP cluster in the client's preferred location for optimal security and infrastructure control. We also integrated code quality review and cloud-based monitoring tools to detect and resolve potential issues before impacting end users.


The results

150% Increase in Revenue in One Year

Our solution played a pivotal role in driving significant growth, increasing business revenue by 150% in just one year after it was implemented.

400% Growth in B2B Clients

The new platform version outperformed competitors, significantly boosting the client base, including Fortune 500 clients, in just months.

Identifying New Opportunities

We identified a new target audience – private equity companies.

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Startup Development House sp. z o.o.

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