Foreign expansion of the company SDH Labs sp. z o.o. in order to promote its product brand under sub-measure 3.3.3: SUPPORT FOR SMEs IN PROMOTION OF PRODUCT BRANDS - GO TO BRAND of the Operational Program Intelligent Development co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
We would like to inform you that the company SDH Labs sp. z o.o. is implementing the project entitled. „Foreign expansion of the SDH Labs sp. z o.o. enterprise in order to promote the product brand.” under the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020 Sub-measure 3.3.3 Support for SMEs in the promotion of product brands - Go to Brand.
Total project value: 227 310.18 PLN
Value of grant awarded: 170 482,63 PLN
General information about the project
OP:Operational Program Intelligent Development
Priority Axis:3 Support for innovation in enterprises
Measure:3.3 Support for promotion and internationalization of innovative enterprises
Sub-action:3.3.3 Support for SMEs in the promotion of product brands - Go to Brand
Call Number:POIR.03.03.03-IP.03-00-001/20
Contract Number:POIR.03.03.03-10-0100/20-00
Type of Project:Competitive
Project Purpose:The primary objective of the project is to comprehensively promote the product brand of SDH Labs sp. z o.o. in the international arena, mainly in the US , UAE and Norwegian markets, and to promote the Brand of the Polish Economy. The Company will achieve this goal by organizing and participating in promotional activities provided for in the industry promotion program for the IT/ICT industry. Participation in the aforementioned program will allow the company to establish new business contacts (it is planned to conclude at least 5 new contracts with customers new to the company), and this will translate directly into an increase in export sales revenues of high-quality ICT services of the SDH Labs sp. z o.o. brand in 2020-2022 (compared to the 2019 result) by PLN 2 million. In the long term, the success of the project implementation (product brand recognition, revenue growth), will allow the Company to further develop its product offering and expand into other markets.