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What is Model-View-Viewmodel (Mvvm) Pattern - Startup House

what is model view viewmodel mvvm pattern

What is Model-View-Viewmodel (Mvvm) Pattern - Startup House

Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) is a design pattern used in software development that separates the user interface (View) from the business logic (Model) and the presentation logic (ViewModel). This pattern is commonly used in applications that have a complex user interface and require a separation of concerns to improve maintainability and testability.

The Model in MVVM represents the data and business logic of the application. It is responsible for managing the data, performing calculations, and interacting with external services or databases. The Model is independent of the user interface and does not have any knowledge of how the data will be presented to the user.

The View in MVVM represents the user interface of the application. It is responsible for displaying the data to the user and handling user input. The View is typically implemented using technologies such as HTML, XAML, or Swing, depending on the platform.

The ViewModel in MVVM acts as a mediator between the Model and the View. It contains the presentation logic of the application, such as formatting data for display, handling user input, and coordinating interactions between the View and the Model. The ViewModel is responsible for exposing the data from the Model to the View in a way that is easy to bind to the user interface elements.

One of the key features of MVVM is data binding, which allows the ViewModel to automatically update the View whenever the data in the Model changes. This simplifies the implementation of the user interface and reduces the amount of code needed to keep the View in sync with the underlying data.

Another benefit of MVVM is that it promotes the separation of concerns, making it easier to maintain and test the different components of the application. The Model can be tested independently of the user interface, and the ViewModel can be unit tested to ensure that the presentation logic is working correctly.

In conclusion, MVVM is a powerful design pattern that helps developers build maintainable, testable, and scalable applications by separating the user interface, business logic, and presentation logic into distinct components. By using MVVM, developers can create applications that are easier to maintain, extend, and debug, ultimately leading to a better user experience.
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