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How to Validate Startup Ideas Quickly: A Comprehensive Guide

Maciej Nowak ・ SH Product Management Team

Sep 29, 20237 min read

Product management

Table of Content

  • Identify the Main Problem Behind Your Product

  • Consult Industry Experts & Experienced Entrepreneurs

  • Involving Users: Visualize & Verify Quickly

  • Learn from Your Competitive Landscape

  • Experiment to Monitor Interest

  • FAQs

In the ever-evolving world of startups, it is essential to ensure that your business ideas are viable and have the potential to thrive in the competitive market. So before you and your team dived into the world of coding your digital product, it’s always a good idea to validate the hypothesis you got about the market and your users’ needs. 

Identify the Main Problem Behind Your Product

Understanding the Problem

Before you venture into developing a product, it is vital to pinpoint the core problem that your product aims to address. Begin by articulating this problem clearly. Make sure to write it down, in order to be able to find the right wording and eventually share it with others. This is a crucial step,a foundation of what you are aiming to build up as it shapes the direction your startup will take.

Researching the Problem

Conduct a robust desk research to substantiate the existence and the gravity of the problem. There are many resources out there, so don’t hesitate to utilize them ( resources, or market analyses to gather data).


  • Have you clearly defined the problem?
  • Have you substantiated the problem through research?
  • Is the problem significant enough to warrant a solution?

Questions to ask yourself:

  • What is the main problem my product seeks to solve?
  • How widespread is this problem?
  • What existing solutions are available, and how is my product different or better?

Consult Industry Experts & Experienced Entrepreneurs

Seeking Advice

When you're venturing into unknown territory, the insights from those who have treaded the path before you can be invaluable. Reach out to industry experts and seasoned entrepreneurs for guidance and mentorship.


Join industry groups, forums, or social media platforms where you can connect with experts. Don't hesitate to ask questions and learn from their experiences.


  • Have you identified industry experts and entrepreneurs to consult?
  • Have you joined relevant industry groups or forums?
  • Have you prepared a list of questions to ask the experts?

Questions to ask yourself:

  • Who are the industry leaders I can reach out to?
  • What forums or groups are most relevant to my industry?
  • What are the key insights I am seeking from these experts?

Involving Users: Visualize & Verify Quickly

Sketching the Basic Idea

Visualization plays a significant role in bringing your idea to life. Create a preliminary sketch or prototype of your product to give others a tangible sense of your vision. Don’t spend too much time or resources on it. Keep in mind that the very purpose of this step is to gather feedback quickly and iterate. The more time and energy you put into it, the more diffcult it will be to follow your users and let things go.

Gathering Feedback

Once your visualization is ready, present it to at least 10 people (the more, the merrier, though!) who fit the profile of your potential users. Make sure to exclude friends and family from that crowd, in order to avoid bias. Their initial feedback can offer valuable insights and be very eye-opening. Most likely it will allow you to look at your product with new eyes - the eyes of your future users. 

When interviewing our users, keep it short and sweet. The mindset of curiosity will be your friend. Keep in mind it’s not a sale or pitching session, your purpose is not to convince them what you came up with works, but rather collecting feedback to make sure your product answers actual market needs.


  • Have you created a sketch or prototype of your product?
  • Have you identified the right audience for feedback?
  • Have you gathered initial feedback and noted down the insights?

Questions to ask yourself:

  • What is the best way to visualize my product idea?
  • How can I find individuals who fit the profile of my potential users?
  • What questions should I ask to gather meaningful feedback?

Learn from Your Competitive Landscape

Analyzing the Competition

Understanding the competitive landscape is crucial. Identify your potential rivals and analyze their offerings and strategies. This can help you spot gaps in the market and opportunities for differentiation. The level of their success or struggle can also be a good indication of the market landscape. 


  • Have you identified your direct and indirect competitors?
  • Have you conducted a service safari to analyze the competitive landscape?
  • Have you identified gaps in the market and opportunities for differentiation?

Questions to ask yourself:

  • Who are my direct and indirect competitors?
  • What strategies are my competitors employing, and how can I differentiate my product?
  • What gaps exist in the market that I can potentially fill?

Experiment to Monitor Interest

In this phase, your focus should be on testing the waters by gauging interest through various experiments,  like social media campaigns, developing a landing page, and giving crowdfunding a go. Keep in mind that each of these steps involves different strategies and focuses.You can choose one that makes the most sense to you or engage in a couple of them simultaneously in order to compare the results.

Running a Small-Scale Campaign on Social Media

Craft a compelling campaign on social media platforms to measure interest through engagement and responses. You can experiment with low-budget marketing campaigns to ensure higher engagement and test the waters when it comes to market segmentation. Analyze the data to gain a better understanding of the potential reach and interest in your product.

Developing a Simple Landing Page

Create alanding page that succinctly highlights the value proposition of your product. Just like with the sketching and prototyping, remember to keep it simple. Make sure that the landing page delivers the core value to your user in an easily understandable way. Utilize this page to collect email sign-ups for newsletters or early access, building a pre-launch audience.

Trying Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding can serve as a significant validation point. Launch a campaign to collect financial support from potential customers and gauge genuine interest in your product. Nothing speaks louder that the wallets ;) 


  • Have you planned and executed a small-scale campaign on social media?
  • Have you developed a landing page to build a pre-launch audience?
  • Have you considered launching a crowdfunding campaign?

Questions to ask yourself:

  • What platforms are best suited for my social media campaign?
  • What elements should I include on my landing page to attract potential customers?
  • What crowdfunding platform aligns with my product and target audience?

We hope that this guide assists you in navigating the exciting yet challenging journey of validating your startup ideas. With these steps and insights from the crew, you're well on your way to launching a successful venture! Keep your head up and good luck!



1. What does it mean to validate a startup idea?

Validating a startup idea involves conducting research and experiments to ascertain that there is a genuine demand for your product or service. It helps in fine-tuning the concept based on real-world feedback and preventing costly mistakes down the line.

2. How can I identify the main problem my product aims to solve?

Identifying the main problem starts with understanding your target audience's pain points. You can e.g. conduct surveys, user-centric interviews, or market research to gather data on the issues potential users face and how your product can offer a solution.

3. Why is consulting with industry experts beneficial for my startup?

Industry experts provide insights based on years of experience, helping you avoid common pitfalls and offering guidance on best practices. Their advice can help shape your business strategy, product development, and market positioning.

4. How do I visualize my startup idea effectively?

Visualization can be achieved through various methods such as sketching, creating wireframes, or even building full-on prototypes. These allow you to represent your idea visually, making it easier to communicate with stakeholders and gather initial feedback.

5. How can I ensure unbiased feedback during the verification process?

To get unbiased feedback, reach out to individuals who fit your target user profile but are outside your personal network. Utilize online communities, forums or social media groups to gather honest opinions.

6. Why is analyzing the competitive landscape essential?

Analyzing the competitive landscape helps you identify market gaps, understand industry standards, and recognize potential threats and opportunities. It provides a clearer picture of where your startup stands and how you can differentiate yourself.

7. How can social media campaigns assist in validating my startup idea?

Social media campaigns can help gauge public interest in your product or service. Through engagement metrics, feedback and responses, you can understand your audience's reactions and adapt your strategies accordingly.

8. Why should I consider creating a landing page for my startup?

A landing page serves as a marketing tool to highlight your startup idea, collect email sign-ups for newsletters or early access and build a pre-launch audience. It's a cost-effective way to test interest and gather a potential customer base.

9. What are the advantages of crowdfunding for startup validation?

Crowdfunding not only helps in raising initial capital but also serves as a validation tool. It allows you to measure the level of interest and financial support from potential customers, effectively letting the market validate your idea.

10. How do I choose the right crowdfunding platform for my startup?

Choosing the right crowdfunding platform depends on various factors including the nature of your product, the target audience, the geographical location and the kind of support you are seeking. Research different platforms, understand their user base and fee structures before making a decision.

11. How do I build a team that aligns with my startup's vision?

Building the right team involves selecting individuals who not only have the necessary skills but also share your startup's vision and values. Consider their experience, expertise, and cultural fit during the recruitment process.

12. What are some tips for running a small-scale social media campaign?

When running a small-scale social media campaign, focus on creating engaging content that resonates with your target audience. Use analytics to track performance, and be prepared to make adjustments based on the feedback and engagement you receive.

13. What elements should be included in a simple landing page?

A simple landing page should include a clear headline, a brief description of your product or service, a strong call-to-action (like email sign-ups for newsletters or early access), and visuals or videos that clearly showcase the value proposition.

14. How can I ensure the success of my crowdfunding campaign?

Ensuring the success of your crowdfunding campaign involves creating a compelling story around your product, offering attractive rewards or incentives, promoting the campaign through various channels, and keeping backers updated on the progress.

How to Validate Startup Ideas Quickly: A Comprehensive Guide

Published on September 29, 2023


Maciej Nowak Product Manager Team Leader

SH Product Management Team

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