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Ultimate Design Checklist: Crafting Designs That Truly Shine

Bartosz Storożak ・ Design Team

Mar 11, 202412 min read


Table of Content

  • 1. Solving the Right Problem 🎯

  • 2. Easing User Pains and Needs 💡

  • 3. Aligning with Business Goals 🚀

  • 4. Defining the User Journey 👀

  • 5. Utility of Every Design Element 🤌

  • 6. Universal Accessibility 👁️‍🗨️

  • 7. Simplification 🔄

  • 8. Speaking Your Audience's Language 🗣️

  • 9. Identifying User Turnoffs 🚪

  • 10. The 5-Second Takeaway ⏱️

  • 11. Future-Proofing 📈

  • 12. Doing Your Homework 🔍

  • FAQs

Welcome back to our #AskTheCrew series! 🌟 Today, we're excited to delve into the perspectives of our design team - Bartosz Storożak, Natalia Machnicka, Klaudia Koriat, and Karolina Diłaj. Drawing from their wealth of experience, we've put together a comprehensive checklist aimed at ensuring your design not only stands out but truly resonates with your audience. Let's explore in detail how you can elevate your design game.

1. Solving the Right Problem 🎯

Core Issues Identification

When embarking on a design journey, the first port of call is to ensure that your design is addressing the actual needs of users, the business, and the technology it leverages. This foundational step is akin to setting the sails in the right direction — without it, even the most aesthetically pleasing design can fail to make its mark.

Questions to Ask:

  • What specific problem are we solving for the user?
  • How does solving this problem benefit the business?
  • Is our technology capable of supporting this solution efficiently?

Why It Matters:

A design not anchored in solving real-world problems is directionless and ineffective. The significance of rooting your design in addressing genuine needs cannot be overstated. It ensures that your design is not only beautiful but functional, profitable, and technically feasible.


  • A mobile app designed to streamline online grocery shopping should solve specific problems like reducing the time taken to find products, simplifying the checkout process, and offering personalized recommendations based on shopping history.
  • A website redesign for a nonprofit could aim to enhance user engagement by simplifying navigation, making donation processes more transparent, and showcasing impact stories more vividly.

Diving Deep:

To unearth genuine user needs and technological constraints, engage in activities like user interviews, surveys, and competitive analysis. This deep dive will reveal insights that guide your design process, ensuring that your solution is not just a drop in the ocean but a beacon for users navigating the problem space.

2. Easing User Pains and Needs 💡

Fulfillment of User Needs

At the heart of every successful design is the ability to ease user pains and meet their needs effectively. This requires a delicate balance between innovation and practicality, where your design not only solves problems but does so in a way that is intuitive and accessible to users.

Questions to Ask:

  • Which user needs are we prioritizing, and why?
  • How does our design alleviate specific user pains?
  • In what ways can we incorporate feedback to refine our solution?

The Importance of Empathy:

Incorporating empathy into the design process is crucial for genuinely understanding and addressing user challenges. This means not only identifying what users need but also understanding their emotions, frustrations, and motivations.


  • If users find it challenging to navigate through an e-commerce site, simplifying the user interface and providing clear, concise product information can significantly enhance the shopping experience.
  • For a mobile banking app, user pains might include security concerns or difficulty in understanding financial jargon. Addressing these pains could involve implementing robust security features and providing easy-to-understand guides or glossaries.

Striking a Balance:

Balancing innovative problem-solving with practicality means your design should not only address user pains creatively but also be feasible and straightforward to use. Use prototyping and usability testing to iterate on your designs, ensuring that they effectively ease user pains.

Engaging with Users:

To truly meet user needs, engage with your audience throughout the design process. This engagement can take the form of user testing sessions, feedback surveys, and forums. By actively involving users, you ensure that your design not only addresses their current pains but is also poised to evolve with their changing needs.

3. Aligning with Business Goals 🚀

Harmony with Objectives

In the world of design, aligning your creative efforts with the broader business goals is not just beneficial—it's essential. When a design resonates with the business's objectives, it transforms from a mere visual or functional improvement to a strategic asset that propels the business forward.

Questions to Ask:

  • How does our design support the business's short-term and long-term objectives?
  • Are there measurable outcomes from our design that align with business goals?
  • Can our design adapt to evolving business strategies and market demands?

Strategic Advantage:

Creating a symbiotic relationship between design and business objectives offers a competitive edge. It means every design decision is made not only with the user in mind but also with a keen eye on how it contributes to the business's bottom line.


  • For an e-commerce platform, aligning design with business goals might involve optimizing the checkout process to reduce cart abandonment rates, directly impacting sales.
  • A B2B service website might focus on enhancing the lead generation process through better form design and content placement, aiming to increase conversion rates.

Measuring Success:

To ensure your design aligns with business goals, establish clear metrics for success. These could be increased engagement, higher conversion rates, or reduced support calls. By setting these benchmarks, you can more easily demonstrate how design efforts contribute to achieving business objectives.

4. Defining the User Journey 👀

Clarity and Navigation

The user journey is the roadmap that guides users through your design, from initial engagement to the ultimate goal, whether it's making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or using a product feature. A well-defined user journey is marked by clarity, ease of navigation, and strategic use of visual cues to lead users towards their destination.

Questions to Ask:

  • Have we identified all the stages in the user journey, from awareness to conversion?
  • Does our design intuitively guide users to the next step in their journey?
  • Are there any potential roadblocks or points of confusion along the user journey?

Crafting the Journey:

Employing concise text, logical flow, and visual elements effectively can turn a complicated path into a seamless journey. Think of the user journey as a story you're telling—each element should contribute to moving the narrative forward, engaging the user, and guiding them to a satisfying conclusion.


  • In a mobile app for booking travel, the user journey might start with inspirational content leading to destination exploration, then moving on to booking details, and finally, confirmation. Clear progress indicators and easy navigation between these stages are crucial.
  • For a software-as-a-service (SaaS) product, the user journey from landing page to signing up for a free trial should be straightforward, with compelling calls-to-action (CTAs) and minimal friction points.

Enhancing Engagement:

A clearly defined user journey does more than just lead users to their destination; it enhances their overall experience, making it more engaging and satisfying. Use tools like user flow diagrams and journey mapping to visualize and refine the user's path through your design. Test these journeys with real users to identify and remove any obstacles, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience.

5. Utility of Every Design Element 🤌

Intentionality in Design

In the intricate tapestry of design, every thread—each design element—plays a crucial role in the overall picture. This principle of intentionality mandates that every component, be it a button, image, or text block, should serve a specific, deliberate purpose. This approach elevates your design from merely being aesthetically pleasing to being functionally profound and user-centric.

Questions to Ask:

  • What purpose does this element serve in the broader context of the user experience?
  • How does each component contribute to user interaction and engagement?
  • Can the design's effectiveness or clarity be enhanced by modifying or removing any elements?

Purpose-Driven Design:

The mantra here is simple: every design element should encourage interaction and seamlessly blend into the narrative of the user journey. This meticulous scrutiny ensures that nothing in your design is superfluous, enhancing both the utility and the elegance of the final product.


  • Consider a social media platform interface where each button, from "Like" to "Share," is designed to facilitate and encourage community interaction, making the user's experience intuitive and engaging.
  • In an e-commerce website, product filters and search bars are designed not just for visual harmony but to streamline the shopping process, making it easy for users to find what they're looking for.

Functionality Meets Aesthetics:

Incorporating intentionality into your design process means marrying functionality with aesthetics. Each element should not only look good but also enhance the user's journey by being meaningfully placed and purposefully crafted. This dual focus ensures that your design is not only visually appealing but also rich in user-centric functionality.

6. Universal Accessibility 👁️‍🗨️

Inclusivity Matters

Designing with accessibility in mind is not an optional add-on but a fundamental aspect of ethical and effective design. It ensures that your products and services are usable by everyone, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. This commitment to accessibility underscores a brand's values of inclusivity and respect for all users.

Questions to Ask:

  • Have we adhered to accessibility standards and guidelines in our design?
  • Can people with various disabilities (visual, auditory, motor, cognitive) easily use our product?
  • What tools and methods can we use to evaluate and enhance the accessibility of our design?

Embracing Standards and Guidelines:

Following established accessibility standards, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), helps ensure that your design reaches a wider audience. This adherence not only enhances your product's usability but also demonstrates your brand's dedication to inclusivity.


  • Implementing alternative text for images on a website enables screen readers to describe visuals to visually impaired users, making the content accessible to a wider audience.
  • Designing websites with keyboard navigation in mind ensures that users with motor impairments can navigate through your site without relying on a mouse.

A Testament to Brand Values:

A design that prioritizes accessibility reflects a brand's commitment to ensuring that no user is left behind. It's a powerful statement about valuing all members of the community and recognizing the diversity of user needs.

7. Simplification 🔄

The Elegance of Less

In the world of design, embracing simplicity can often lead to profound impacts on user experience, development processes, and overall product maintenance. The principle of simplification advocates for a minimalist approach, where every element is scrutinized for its necessity and functionality. This ethos not only declutters the design but also enhances the user's ability to navigate and interact with your product seamlessly.

Questions to Ask:

  • Does this element add value to the user's experience, or can it be removed without loss?
  • How can we simplify complex features or information without losing essential content?
  • In what ways can we streamline the user interface to promote ease of use?

Benefits of a Minimalist Approach:

Stripping away unnecessary elements does not mean stripping away character or functionality. Instead, it's about achieving a balance where every design component serves a purpose, thereby creating a more focused and user-friendly experience.


  • A mobile app might reduce its navigation options to the most essential, ensuring users can quickly find what they need without sifting through complex menus.
  • A website could use ample whitespace, simple color schemes, and clear typography to emphasize content and guide users' attention to the most important information or actions.

Refinement and Impact:

The process of simplification is iterative and requires a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of user needs. This approach leads to designs that are not only visually appealing but also inherently intuitive, making for a smoother development and maintenance pathway. Simplification, in essence, embodies the "less is more" philosophy, providing a clear, direct, and impactful user experience.

8. Speaking Your Audience's Language 🗣️

Cultural and Linguistic Alignment

In a globalized world, the ability of your design to communicate effectively with its intended audience is paramount. This means going beyond mere translation; it involves a deep cultural and linguistic alignment with your audience. By tailoring your design to fit the cultural norms, values, and expectations of your target users, you significantly enhance its relevance, appeal, and ultimately, its success.

Questions to Ask:

  • Are we using language and visuals that resonate with our target audience's cultural context?
  • How can we incorporate cultural nuances to strengthen our design's connection with the audience?
  • What feedback have we received from users about our design's cultural and linguistic appropriateness?

Incorporating User Feedback:

Gathering and integrating feedback from your target audience is crucial for achieving a design that speaks their language. This feedback loop can reveal invaluable insights into cultural sensitivities, preferences, and potential misunderstandings.


  • Designing for a Japanese audience might mean incorporating a more formal tone in language and a design aesthetic that aligns with Japanese minimalism.
  • A website targeting Brazilian users could embrace vibrant colors and interactive elements that mirror the country's dynamic culture.

Ensuring Clarity and Engagement:

Adhering to familiar patterns, both visually and textually, ensures that your message is not just received but also understood and appreciated. This alignment fosters a sense of connection and trust between your brand and its audience, making your design not only a functional tool but also a bridge between cultures.

9. Identifying User Turnoffs 🚪

Enhancing User Retention

In the digital landscape, user retention is as crucial as attraction. The key to a sticky user experience lies not just in drawing users in but also in preventing any reasons they might have to leave. Identifying and addressing user turnoffs plays a pivotal role in crafting a seamless, frustration-free journey that users are happy to return to.

Questions to Ask:

  • What common complaints or issues have users reported about our design?
  • Are there any elements (e.g., pop-ups, auto-playing videos) that could be interrupting the user experience?
  • How quickly can users accomplish their goals on our site or app?

Proactive Solutions:

The process of eliminating potential pain points requires a proactive approach. Regularly reviewing user feedback, conducting usability tests, and staying abreast of user behavior analytics can uncover insights into what might be causing dissatisfaction or disengagement.


  • A web application might identify that a mandatory, lengthy sign-up form is a significant turnoff. Simplifying this process or offering social media sign-in options could markedly reduce friction.
  • Discovering that users frequently abandon a shopping cart because of unexpected shipping costs can lead to earlier transparency about such fees, thereby enhancing user retention.

Creating a Pleasurable Experience:

A design that actively seeks to remove obstacles and streamline the user journey not only enhances satisfaction but also fosters loyalty. This attentiveness to the user's needs and preferences signals that your brand values their time and experience, making your site or app a preferred choice.

10. The 5-Second Takeaway ⏱️

First Impressions Count

In the digital world, you often have only a brief moment to make an impact. The initial 5 seconds of user interaction with your design can set the tone for their entire experience. This critical window is your opportunity to capture attention, communicate your value proposition, and convince users to stay.

Questions to Ask:

  • What is the core message we want to convey within the first 5 seconds?
  • Does our design visually and textually align with this message?
  • Are we leveraging design principles (contrast, hierarchy, simplicity) to highlight key elements immediately?

Memorable Design:

Creating a memorable design that makes a lasting impression in just 5 seconds demands clarity, coherence, and a strong visual hierarchy. Your design should quickly communicate who you are, what you offer, and why the user should care.


  • An e-commerce site might highlight a unique value proposition, such as free next-day shipping, at the top of its homepage to immediately grab users' attention.
  • A mobile app focused on mindfulness could use calming colors and a simple interface upon opening to quickly convey its purpose and invite exploration.

Communicating Value and Purpose:

The goal is to ensure that, within those first few seconds, users have a clear understanding of your design's value and purpose. This immediate communication helps to pique interest, encourage further engagement, and set the stage for a positive user experience.

11. Future-Proofing 📈

Ready for Tomorrow

In an ever-evolving digital landscape, designing for the present is not enough. Future-proofing your design ensures that it not only meets today's needs but is also adaptable to tomorrow's changes and trends. This foresight involves embracing a modular and flexible design approach, allowing your product to evolve seamlessly with technological advancements and user expectations.

Questions to Ask:

  • How can we design our product to be easily updated or expanded in the future?
  • Are we leveraging the latest technologies that are scalable and adaptable?
  • Have we considered how emerging trends might influence our design decisions?

Embracing Modularity and Flexibility:

A modular design breaks down a system into smaller parts that can be independently created and then used in different systems. This approach allows for easier updates, quick adaptations to new requirements, and the ability to expand functionalities without overhauling the entire system.


  • A content management system (CMS) designed with modular plugins and themes enables website owners to update their site's design and functionality without extensive redevelopment.
  • Designing a mobile app with a core framework that supports plug-and-play features allows developers to add new functionalities as user needs evolve or as new technologies emerge.

Staying Ahead of the Curve:

Future-proofing your design is about anticipating the future and preparing for it today. It requires staying informed about emerging trends in design, technology, and user behavior, and incorporating those insights into your design strategy. This proactive approach ensures your design remains relevant, competitive, and adaptable, no matter what the future holds.

12. Doing Your Homework 🔍

Research and Benchmarking

The foundation of any successful design project lies in thorough research and benchmarking. Before jumping into the creative process, it's crucial to understand the landscape in which your design will exist. This means analyzing competitors, understanding industry standards, and identifying what makes your design unique. Comprehensive research and benchmarking not only inform your design decisions but also highlight areas where your design can stand out or needs improvement.

Questions to Ask:

  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of our competitors' designs?
  • How does our design align with, or diverge from, industry standards?
  • What unique value or innovation does our design bring to the table?

Informed Design Decisions:

Armed with insights from your research, you can make informed design decisions that position your product advantageously in the market. This process helps in identifying gaps in the market that your design can fill, ensuring that your product offers something distinctive and valuable to users.


  • Analyzing the user interface and user experience of leading apps in your category might reveal a common shortfall that your app can address, such as a more intuitive navigation system or a quicker checkout process.
  • Benchmarking against industry standards might show that your website exceeds in areas like accessibility and load time, which are crucial selling points that can be highlighted in your marketing.

Highlighting Strengths and Areas for Improvement:

The goal of doing your homework through research and benchmarking is not just to mimic what others are doing but to understand where your design can excel and where it needs reinforcement. This strategic approach ensures that your design is not only competitive but also uniquely positioned to meet user needs in a way that others do not.

Remember, a great design is not just about looking good—it's about solving problems, meeting needs, and creating a seamless, enjoyable experience for users. If you're aiming for a design that wows, our team is eager to bring your vision to life. Just send us a message! ✉️

Engage with these checkpoints to ensure your design not only meets but exceeds expectations. With strategic thinking, empathy for users, and a keen eye for detail, your design can truly rock.


  • How can I ensure my design solves the right problem?
    • Identify core user, business, and technology needs through research, including user interviews and competitive analysis.
  • What is key to easing user pains and needs in design?
    • Balance innovation with practicality, and use empathy to understand and address user challenges.
  • How do I align my design with business goals?
    • Understand the business's objectives and measure your design's impact on these goals through metrics like engagement and conversion rates.
  • What's crucial in defining the user journey?
    • Ensure clarity and intuitive navigation throughout the design, using logical flow and visual cues.
  • Why is the utility of every design element important?
    • Each component should serve a specific purpose, enhancing the overall user experience and interaction.
  • How can I make my design universally accessible?
    • Adhere to accessibility standards and guidelines, ensuring your design is usable for everyone, including those with disabilities.
  • What does simplification in design entail?
    • Remove unnecessary elements without losing functionality, focusing on a minimalist approach that enhances user experience.
  • Why is speaking your audience's language important in design?
    • Tailor your design to fit cultural norms and expectations, making your message clear and engaging.
  • How can identifying user turnoffs improve my design?
    • By removing or addressing design elements that cause frustration, enhancing user retention.
  • What is the significance of the 5-second takeaway in design?
    • It's the immediate impact your design makes, influencing user engagement and retention.
  • How do I future-proof my design?
    • Design flexibly and modularly, anticipating future trends and technological advancements.
  • Why is doing your homework crucial in design?
    • Research and benchmarking inform your design decisions, highlighting unique strengths and areas for improvement.
  • What strategies can enhance user engagement in design?
    • Focus on clear navigation, interactive elements, and personalization to keep users engaged.
  • How does visual hierarchy impact design effectiveness?
    • It guides the user's attention to key elements, improving readability and user experience.
  • What role does color play in design?
    • Color can evoke emotions, convey messages, and influence user actions.
  • How important is typography in design?
    • It affects readability and the overall aesthetic, playing a key role in communication.
  • What's the best way to incorporate feedback into design?
    • Use user testing and surveys to gather insights and iteratively refine your design.
  • How can design promote brand identity?
    • Through consistent use of visual elements that align with the brand's values and message.
  • What is the impact of mobile responsiveness in design?
    • It ensures accessibility and a positive experience across all devices, crucial for user satisfaction.
  • How do I balance innovation with usability in design?
    • Innovate within the bounds of user familiarity and expectations, ensuring new features enhance rather than complicate the user experience.
Ultimate Design Checklist: Crafting Designs That Truly Shine

Published on March 11, 2024


Bartosz Storożak Design Team Leader

Design Team

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