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What Does a Test Written with Test Driven Development (TDD) Represent?

Marek Majdak

Jan 24, 20237 min read

Digital productsProduct development

Table of Content

  • What is Test Driven Development (TDD)? Example

  • TDD Vs. Traditional Testing

  • Code Quality

  • TDD and Documentation

  • Model Storming

  • Frameworks for Test Driven Development

  • Increases Developers' Productivity

  • How TDD fits into Agile development?

  • Limitations of TDD

  • The Lifecycle of AMDD

  • Scaling TDD via Agile Model-Driven Development (AMDD)

  • What is Behavior Driven Development (BDD)?

  • TDD vs BDD

  • When to Use AMDD

Test-driven development (TDD), a core practice in agile software development, offers a robust and rigorous approach to coding. If you've ever asked the question, "What does a test written with test-driven development represent?", you're in the right place. This article will dissect this software development practice, shedding light on the role of unit tests, testing frameworks, test cases, and more.

What is Test Driven Development (TDD)? Example

Test-driven development (TDD) is a software development approach where developers write a test before the production code, ensuring each part of the code is testable. At the heart of TDD are unit tests, which target specific sections of the code, ensuring that they behave as expected.

The TDD process involves creating a failing test, writing just enough production code to make the test pass, and then refactoring the new code to meet standards. It's an iterative process that forms an integral part of the agile model driven development approach, ensuring quality and reducing bugs in the final software product.

TDD Vs. Traditional Testing

Unlike traditional testing, which is typically performed after the code has been written, TDD requires tests to be written first. This test-first approach prompts developers to think about the functionality and desired outcomes before writing the production code, leading to more robust, extensible code.

In traditional testing, tests are typically reactionary to the production code, whereas in TDD, the test drives the code. This fundamental difference gives the test a new role as a detailed specification, rather than just a validation tool.

Code Quality

In TDD, a test represents a piece of functionality or behavior that the software should exhibit. Because the tests are written first and the code is written to pass these tests, the result is high-quality, maintainable code.

Moreover, TDD helps improve test coverage, as developers create tests for every feature they write. This ensures every part of the software is tested and validated, significantly reducing the chances of bugs making it into the final product.

TDD and Documentation

In a sense, the test suite produced in TDD also serves as a form of living documentation. Since the tests describe the behavior and functionality of the system, a developer or tester can look at the tests to understand how the system works. This underscores another dimension of what a test represents in TDD.

Model Storming

In agile model-driven development, model storming sessions provide an opportunity to explore difficult problems and brainstorm solutions. In this phase, the development team creates the initial domain model, forming the basis for the first set of unit tests. Each test case then represents a user story or requirement to be fulfilled, underscoring the developer TDD approach.

Frameworks for Test Driven Development

A key component of TDD is the unit test framework. The testing framework provides the foundation and structure for writing tests and verifying that they pass or fail. Examples of these frameworks include JUnit for Java, NUnit for .NET, and pytest for Python.

Increases Developers' Productivity

TDD can improve a developer's productivity by creating a fast feedback loop. Each test serves as a "checkpoint," allowing developers to ensure the code behaves as expected before moving forward. In this context, a failing test is not a setback but an opportunity to correct a problem early in the development cycle. While Test Driven Development plays a key role in mitigating software defects early, supplementing this approach with organized events like bug bashes can further enhance the quality and robustness of your product.

How TDD fits into Agile development?

TDD is a core practice in agile development. It aligns well with the agile manifesto principles, emphasizing responding to change over following a plan, and prioritizing working software. Agile processes like Scrum and XP incorporate TDD into their methodologies to drive rapid, iterative development.

Limitations of TDD

While TDD offers numerous benefits, it's not without its challenges. Writing tests first requires a shift in mindset, and there can be a steep learning curve for those used to traditional development approaches. Additionally, TDD does not eliminate the need for other types of testing, such as integration tests, functional tests, and manual tests.

The Lifecycle of AMDD

Agile Model Driven Development (AMDD) takes TDD a step further by incorporating modeling and design into the process. The AMDD lifecycle includes envisioning, iteration modeling, model storming, and more.

Scaling TDD via Agile Model-Driven Development (AMDD)

With larger projects or teams, TDD can be scaled using AMDD. This method incorporates the principles of TDD while also utilizing a user interface model, a detailed specification, and the production of an initial domain model during the development process.

What is Behavior Driven Development (BDD)?

Behavior Driven Development (BDD) is a subset of TDD, with a focus on software behavior. It involves writing tests in a natural, human-readable language, allowing stakeholders to participate in the development process.


The main difference between TDD and BDD lies in their focus. TDD focuses on how the functionality is implemented, while BDD focuses on the behavior of the system from the user's perspective.

When to Use AMDD

AMDD is best used in large projects where many developers and stakeholders are involved, and where extensive documentation and design are needed. AMDD is especially useful in complex domains where the initial domain model can provide crucial insight into the system's design.

In conclusion, a test written with TDD represents not only a mechanism for checking correctness but also a guide for design, a means for communication, and a form of documentation. By understanding what a test written with TDD represents, we can better appreciate the true power of this development practice.

What Does a Test Written with Test Driven Development (TDD) Represent?

Published on January 24, 2023


Marek Majdak Head of Development

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