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What is Redux in React?

Marek Majdak

Oct 21, 20225 min read

ReactSoftware development

Table of Content

  • When to Use Redux

  • Why is Redux Good with React?

  • What is State Management in Redux?

  • How Redux Works

  • What are Redux Actions?

  • What are Redux Reducers?

  • What is Redux Store?

  • Redux Middleware

  • Why Use Redux?

  • Benefits of Using Redux

  • Conclusion

  • FAQs:

"What is redux in react?" – this question has lingered on the minds of many developers. Redux, at its core, is a predictable state container designed to manage and maintain the state of JavaScript apps, especially when we talk about React applications. React redux is like the brain behind the scene, coordinating and managing the data flow in a React app. It's not exclusive to React, but their combination provides a powerhouse for managing complex application states.

When to Use Redux

There are times in a React application when local component state just doesn’t cut it anymore, especially as your app grows. As multiple components start requiring access to the same state, passing down props through many levels becomes cumbersome. This is where Redux steps in, offering a global state accessible to all the components. While it might be tempting to jump straight into the Redux world, it's essential to understand when to use Redux. Reading through this article can provide a more in-depth perspective.

Why is Redux Good with React?

React is a UI binding library that facilitates the creation of interactive UIs. Combine it with Redux, and you have a robust system that ensures all your React components behave consistently with respect to the application state. React and Redux work hand-in-hand, ensuring data consistency throughout the app component tree. React redux implements many performance optimizations internally, which makes this combo even more compelling.

What is State Management in Redux?

In the context of a react app, state management refers to the process of controlling data flow, maintaining the state object, and ensuring every part of the app has consistent access to the data. Redux introduces a single store (redux store) approach, encapsulating the entire state of the application in one place. It offers predictable changes to the state, turning state management into a more systematic process.

How Redux Works

Redux revolves around a few key principles:

  • Single Store: Redux believes in a single store which houses the entire state tree of your app. No matter how vast your state becomes, it resides in one store, making state easier to manage.
  • State is Read-Only: One can't directly modify the state. Instead, one dispatches an action describing what happened, leading to a new state.
  • Changes Made by Pure Functions: Reducers in Redux are pure functions that take in the previous state and an action and return a new state.

By abiding by these principles, Redux ensures a predictable state container for JavaScript apps, especially as the complexity of the react application grows.

What are Redux Actions?

Redux actions are payloads of information dispatched to change the application state. An action in Redux is a plain object with a unique identifier typically termed as type. Actions are dispatched using action creators – functions that return these action objects. The actions then get sent to the reducers, which process them and return a new state.

What are Redux Reducers?

Reducers in Redux are pure functions that determine how the state of an application changes in response to an action. The action object passed to a reducer describes how the state should change, and the reducer returns a new state reflecting those changes. They ensure that actions result in predictable state transitions.

What is Redux Store?

The Redux store is like a grand repository holding the state of the entire react app. Everything happening within your application links back to this single store. Using methods like getState() and dispatch(action), one can fetch the current state or dispatch a new action, respectively.

Redux Middleware

Middleware in Redux provides a third-party extension point between dispatching an action and the moment it reaches the reducer. Redux middleware can be used for various purposes like logging, crash reporting, or making asynchronous calls.

Why Use Redux?

Managing the state of a complex React app can be challenging. Redux steps in to provide a predictable state container that makes it easier to manage, test, and debug application states. The question of "why use Redux?" can be further explored by its several benefits.

Benefits of Using Redux

The benefits of using Redux are vast:

  • Predictable State: Redux provides a predictable state container where every state transition is transparent and can be tracked.
  • Maintainability: With its strict structure and organization, Redux ensures maintainability even as your React app grows in complexity.
  • Developer Tools: Redux offers powerful developer tools for tracking changes and debugging.
  • Community and Ecosystem: Redux boasts a vibrant community, ensuring regular updates, plugins, and extensions.
  • Performance and Flexibility: As mentioned earlier, React Redux implements numerous performance optimizations internally.

More advantages of Redux can be explored further in this article.


In the realm of state management for React applications, Redux plays a vital role. It acts as a centralized store for the state, ensuring predictability and consistency. With actions defining what happens and reducers depicting how state changes, Redux offers a structured approach to state management. Whether you're just starting or deep into React development, understanding Redux and its implementation will only propel your apps to higher performance and easier maintainability.


What is Redux in the context of React?
Redux is a predictable state container designed to manage and maintain the state of JavaScript apps, especially beneficial when paired with React.

Why use Redux with React?
Redux offers a structured approach to state management, making it easier to manage, test, and debug complex React application states.

How does Redux work?
Redux operates on principles like having a single store, treating state as read-only, and making state changes through pure functions known as reducers.

What are Redux actions?
Actions in Redux are payloads of information that are dispatched to bring about state changes.

How do reducers function in Redux?
Reducers are pure functions that determine how the state of an application changes in response to an action.

What's the role of the Redux Store?
The Redux store is a repository holding the state of the entire app, providing methods to fetch the current state or dispatch new actions.

Can Redux be used without React?
Yes, Redux is a standalone library and can be used with any JavaScript framework, but it's particularly popular with React.

How does Redux middleware work?
Middleware provides an extension point between dispatching an action and the moment it reaches the reducer, useful for tasks like logging or making asynchronous calls.

What benefits does Redux offer?
Redux provides predictable state transitions, improved maintainability, powerful developer tools, and a robust community and ecosystem.

Does every React app need Redux?
No, not every app needs Redux. It's beneficial for apps with complex states or when multiple components need access to shared state.

How does Redux ensure performance optimization?
React Redux implements numerous performance optimizations internally, ensuring efficient and smooth state management.

Is state in Redux mutable?
No, the state in Redux is treated as read-only. Changes are made by dispatching actions that result in new state objects.

What's the significance of the single store in Redux?
A single store encapsulates the entire state tree of an app, simplifying state management and making it more predictable.

How does Redux fit into the data flow of a React app?
Redux centralizes the app's state, ensuring that data flow remains consistent and predictable throughout the application.

What are Redux developer tools?
Redux developer tools are browser extensions that assist developers in tracking changes, understanding state transitions, and debugging their Redux applications.

Can I use asynchronous operations with Redux?
Yes, with the help of middleware like Redux-Thunk or Redux-Saga, you can handle asynchronous operations seamlessly in Redux.

What is global state in the context of Redux?
Global state refers to the state managed by Redux, accessible throughout the entire React application without passing down through multiple components.

Are Redux actions synchronous?
By default, actions in Redux are synchronous. However, using middleware, one can introduce asynchronous actions.

How is Redux different from local component state?
While local component state manages data local to that component, Redux provides a global state accessible across the entire app, offering a more structured way to handle complex states.

How does Redux promote code maintainability?
With its strict structure, organized approach, and community-backed best practices, Redux ensures that code remains scalable and maintainable as applications grow in complexity.

What is Redux in React?

Published on October 21, 2022


Marek Majdak Head of Development

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