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What You Need to Know about Node.js & Working with a Node.js Development Agency

Olaf Kühn

Aug 18, 20235 min read

Software development

Table of Content

  • What is Node.js?

  • Benefits of using Node.js for development

  • Types of Node.js development services

  • Advantages of working with a Node.js development agency

  • How to choose the right Node.js development agency

  • Our offerings that ensure peer-to-peer Node.js solutions

  • Your turn

Are you thinking of using Node.js for your next project? And – maybe – partnering with a Node.js development agency to do so?

If that’s you described in the two first sentences, this guide is for you.

From this blog post you’ll learn more about Node.js, why it’s so crazy popular among developers worldwide, and how to pick a tech partner to handle your Node.js-based project.

Let’s go.

What is Node.js?

Node.js is a cross-platform JavaScript environment that allows devs to code front-end and back-end applications. It’s built on Google Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine.

It’s also open-sourced, meaning anyone can use it for free.

You might not know it, but you’ve probably used one (or possibly more!) of the apps that are based on Node.js:

  • Uber
  • Netflix
  • LinkedIn
  • eBay
  • Trello
  • Groupon

…and so, so many more!

Benefits of using Node.js for development


Node.js is compatible with microservices architecture, which means that apps built with Node.js are highly and easily scalable. 

With Node.js, devs can build apps that scale both horizontally and vertically. Horizontal scaling includes adding nodes to the existing application, and with vertical, devs can add resources to nodes.


Node.js gets you real quick apps. It uses an asynchronous event-driven model. Instead of multithreading, Node uses a single-threaded event loop. This means the system can handle multiple connections at the very same time, without slowing it down and ruining the experience for users.

Front-end and back-end development

With Node.js teams can handle both front- and back-end development in one go. There’s no need for separate back-end and front-end teams, and the development process is easier and faster.


It’s also cheaper. All in all, Node.js can save you lots of things – time, resources, and money.

Cross-platform compatibility

You don’t have to write code from scratch for various operating systems. Node.js allows you to build applications that run smoothly on e.g. macOS, Windows and Linux.

Fast to develop

Node.js allows you to bring down the time-to-market of your app. You can get it out there faster – without compromising on the quality.


Over time, a huge community of developers worldwide has centered around Node.js. So if you ever find yourself stuck and ask for advice, there’s a high chance you’ll find a helping hand reaching out to you with the solution you need.

Types of Node.js development services

Web & mobile app development

One of – if not the most – popular ways to use Node.js is building cross-platform apps.

A huge advantage of using Node.js for developing web and mobile applications is that it allows you to develop and deploy an app quickly. How quickly? We’re talking about covering the prototype phase within weeks instead of months.

And at the end, you get an app that’s quick and scalable.

Node.js’s package registry (with over 1 million packages growing every day) can help during the development process. And what’s amazing is that if a team has their project boilerplate and reusable modules set, that can significantly shorten the time needed to deliver the project. 

API integration & development

Node.js is also used to build APIs based on different Nodes (like Express.js and Nest.js). What’s important – it those APIs will work with other systems as well. And both of these things are easy to do.

Migration service

Migrating your systems to Node.js can be time-consuming and complex.

But a good Node.js development agency will be able to bring any risks to a minimum, so the migration process is flawless and you can be sure your app performs smoothly without interruptions.

Real-time app development

Real-time apps are the ones that allow users to interact with information without delays – like social media platforms or video conferencing apps. 

Node.js does an amazing job with developing real-time apps. 

One of the biggest challenges with real-time apps is to keep them operating smoothly as you get more and more users on board. Node.js’s asynchronous event-based system allows applications to keep operating smoothly as the userbase grows.

Because of its potential for scalability and high performance, Node.js is often the go-to for real-time apps. 

Plugin development

Plugins are smaller chunks of code that enhance what the main system does. And as such, Node.js plugins can improve your current app or website that’s been built with Node.js. You can build a custom one and integrate it with your existing system.

Advantages of working with a Node.js development agency

When you choose to partner up with an experienced Node.js development agency, you know you’re covered. Sure, trust gets built over time, but with an experienced agency that’s been around for a while and has successfully delivered multiple Node.js projects before, you can be sure they know what they’re doing.

Working with a Node.js development agency is like getting an extension to your team – an extension that’s highly skilled in exactly what you need for the next project. 

If you have an ambitious project in mind (and we know that you do!), finding a dev agency experienced with Node.js might just be the best choice.

But how do you choose a Node.js development agency?

How to choose the right Node.js development agency

Base your choice on these criteria:

Experience and expertise

These are the first things to check when you’re trying to choose a Node.js development agency. If they are a Node.js development agency – awesome. If they don’t call themselves that – don’t scroll past them just yet. Check what technologies they use.

Also – do they have relevant experience? Have they delivered software projects to companies in your industry? How many Node.js developers do they have on board?

Take a look at how long they’ve been operating as well. Chances are, if a Node.js development agency managed to get business for many years, they must be doing it well.

While you’re at it, take a peek at their location. Working with a team from the other side of the world might (but doesn’t have to!) mean some issues in communication.

Portfolio and references

Another crucial thing to factor in when choosing a Node.js development agency is to read through their portfolios. 

How many projects involving Node.js did they successfully deliver? And what other technologies did they use?

Go through the case studies as well to see if they’ve worked on a similar project as yours, and if so – what did the process look like.

How satisfied were their previous clients? Be sure to check their references. You might even call previous clients and ask about their experience of working with a particular agency.

Cost and quality

When you’ve narrowed down the list to Node.js development agencies that are sufficiently experienced, skilled in Node.js and can back that up with solid social proof, it’s time to check if they’ll be able to deliver the quality of work that you need for the budget you have.

As the cost will depend on the scope of your project, this step will come when you start talking to agencies. Our recommendation is – talk to more than one to make sure you go with the one that best fits your project requirements.

It’s also a good idea to do research on what the average rates are beforehand just so you know what to expect.

Communication and transparency

Both of these are extremely important when working with a tech partner. Make sure they’re at the core of the agency’s values by asking how they’re going to ensure them.

And since we’re talking about communication – if you’ve already taken a look at their location in step one, there should be no surprises, but it’s always a good idea to clarify if what you assume is true.

Our offerings that ensure peer-to-peer Node.js solutions

We’ve delivered many Node.js development projects over the years. If you’re looking for a Node.js development agency, here’s how we work with our clients:

Custom app development

Our team is experienced in developing Node.js apps. We’ll jump on a call with you to talk about your requirements for the project, make sure we’re on the same page – and turn the project into reality.

API integration & development

We can help you out in building a Node.js API that will work with your other systems – and with integrating it. With our Node.js devs the process becomes extremely easy.

Migration service

Need to migrate your legacy system to Node.js? We’d be happy to handle that for you. We’ll make sure all data is properly moved, and all configurations and setups are in place – all while the system maintains its efficiency and speed.

Website development

We can also develop a Node.js website for you. We’ll learn about your needs and based on them, our skills, experience and best practices for developing a website, we’ll build you one that’s intuitive, fast and delightful to use.

Real-time app development

Whether you need a mobile or web real-time app – we got you. We build real-time applications that are efficient even when your user base grows a lot. If that’s what you need, hey – we might just be the right partner for you.

Plugin development

We can build you a custom Node.js plugin to boost the performance of your app or website and integrate it with your existing system. We’d be glad to.

Your turn

This blog post provided an insight into what Node.js is, why devs all over the world love it so much, what types of software projects it suits best, and how to choose a Node.js development agency that will turn out to be exactly the partner you’re looking for.

So now – it’s your turn. Do your research and talk to some dev agencies.

Interested in chatting with us? We’re flattered! Let’s talk.

What You Need to Know about Node.js & Working with a Node.js Development Agency

Published on August 18, 2023


Olaf Kühn Junior Marketing Specialist

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