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How to Run a Product Discovery Workshop (With Templates and Examples)

Marek Pałys

Sep 08, 20235 min read

InnovationProduct idea

Table of Content

  • 1. Build Team Communication

  • 2. Timeline Analysis

  • 3. Helps You Meet Your Users' Needs

  • 4. Setting up the Goal

  • 5. How Long Does a Product Discovery Workshop Take?

  • 6. Define Target Audience, User Personas, and More

  • 7. Goals and the Expected Outcomes of the Product Discovery Workshop

  • 8. Product Discovery Workshop Activities

  • 9. Main Steps of the Product Discovery Workshop – Entire Process

  • 10. How to Run the Activity

  • 11. Alternative Tools

  • 12. The Basic Idea of Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

  • 13. Delaying Delivery in Favor of Discovery

  • 14. A Product Discovery Workshop Template Agenda

  • 15. Tips and Steps

  • 16. Frequently Asked Questions in a Discovery Workshop

  • Final Thoughts

  • FAQs

Product discovery workshops are a pivotal part of the product development process. These workshops aim to align the entire process, helping the project team understand the business goals, user personas, and the expected outcomes for the product. In this guide, we delve deep into the entire process of how to run a product discovery workshop effectively.

1. Build Team Communication

  • The discovery workshop helps all the stakeholders to be on the same page.
  • Foster shared understanding among the project team.
  • Strengthen the bond between business analysts, product managers, and the development team.

2. Timeline Analysis

  • Understand the project timeline.
  • Define project goals within the timeline.
  • Get insights into the planning process and development phase.

3. Helps You Meet Your Users' Needs

  • Dive deep into user personas.
  • Identify the most valuable customers and potential customers.
  • Focus on pain points and happy experiences.

4. Setting up the Goal

  • Align product vision and purpose.
  • Match product features with business objectives.
  • Establish success metrics for the product.

5. How Long Does a Product Discovery Workshop Take?

  • The duration varies: some discovery workshops are short brainstorming sessions, while complex projects may require detailed research.
  • The discovery workshop agenda can be adapted based on the project's budget and key objectives.

6. Define Target Audience, User Personas, and More

  • Detailed user story mapping of key customer types.
  • Workshop participants brainstorm potential solutions.
  • A cross-functional team including the marketing team might be needed for market analysis.

7. Goals and the Expected Outcomes of the Product Discovery Workshop

  • Understand the business perspective.
  • Align with the initial phase of the planning phase.
  • Determine the standard or minimum functionality for the digital product.

8. Product Discovery Workshop Activities

  • From user journey mapping to value proposition canvas activities.
  • Incorporating user stories to identify key product features.
  • Encouraging all the participants to share valuable insights.

9. Main Steps of the Product Discovery Workshop – Entire Process

  • Start with the project vision.
  • Transition to user tasks and user story map.
  • Conclude with defining the business strategy.

10. How to Run the Activity

  • Start with a product discovery workshop template or product discovery workshop agenda.
  • Incorporate all the planning and expected outcomes.
  • Ensure all the stakeholders understand their roles.

11. Alternative Tools

  • Not just one possible agenda, use various digital tools to enhance the workshop.
  • Incorporate tools that assist in the app development lifecycle.
  • Focus on tools that aid in the development efforts.

12. The Basic Idea of Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

  • Understand the concept of delivering standard or minimum functionality.
  • Focus on essential elements to define project goals.
  • Relate the MVP to the product discovery process.

13. Delaying Delivery in Favor of Discovery

  • Understand that the discovery phase precedes the development process.
  • Ensure the entire project is grounded on firm research and understanding.
  • Keep refining the product discovery workshop agenda based on feedback.

14. A Product Discovery Workshop Template Agenda

  • Offer a structured approach from the very beginning.
  • Outline roles for development team members and workshop participants.
  • Ensure all steps from user story mapping to value proposition are covered.

15. Tips and Steps

  • STEP 4 – Elevator Pitch: Quickly convey the business perspective stakeholder.
  • STEP 6 – Value Proposition Canvas: Align the product team's vision.
  • Step 7 – User Story Mapping: Detail the product features and user stories.

16. Frequently Asked Questions in a Discovery Workshop

Why is a discovery workshop important? A discovery workshop helps in achieving a shared understanding among the team, ensuring everyone is on the same page about the product vision and business goals.

Who participates? All participants range from product managers, business analysts, the development team, and sometimes even the marketing team, ensuring a holistic business perspective.

Final Thoughts

Product discovery workshops are invaluable in ensuring successful outcomes for digital products. They set the tone for the rest of the development process, allowing teams to cut through the clutter of PM content and focus on what's truly essential. By ensuring everyone is on the same page and focusing on the product vision, businesses can more effectively meet their users' needs and business goals.


1. What is a product discovery workshop?

Answer: A product discovery workshop is a structured session where the project team collaborates to define the product vision, understand user personas, and align on business objectives. It sets the tone for the entire product development process.

2. Why is a discovery workshop important for the product development process?

Discovery workshops ensure all the stakeholders are on the same page from the very beginning. They foster shared understanding, refine the product vision, and guide the entire process to meet business goals.

3. How can a project team benefit from a product discovery workshop?

A project team gains clarity on the product vision, user stories, target audience, and business goals. It helps in charting out the project timeline and setting clear project objectives.

4. What role does user story mapping play in a product discovery workshop?

User story mapping in a product discovery workshop helps in detailing user tasks, understanding the most valuable customers' needs, and aligning the development efforts with the product vision.

5. Who should be the participants in a product discovery workshop?

Workshop participants typically include product managers, business analysts, the development team, and sometimes marketing team members. It's crucial to have all the stakeholders for a holistic business perspective.

6. Can discovery workshops be useful for complex projects?

Absolutely. For complex projects, discovery workshops help in detailed research, understanding intricate user journeys, and setting a robust product discovery process in place.

7. How is the discovery phase different from the development phase?

The discovery phase, kickstarted by the product discovery workshop, focuses on understanding the product vision, user needs, and business objectives. The development phase, on the other hand, is about executing that vision, developing the digital product based on the insights gathered during discovery.

8. What's the significance of a product discovery workshop template?

A product discovery workshop template offers a structured approach, ensuring all essential elements are covered, and there's a shared understanding among all the participants.

9. How does user journey mapping fit into the product discovery workshop?

User journey mapping provides valuable insights into the target audience's needs and behaviors. In the product discovery workshop, it guides the project team in aligning the product features with these needs.

10. What is the role of the development team in the workshop?

The development team brings technical expertise, offers possible solutions based on the user stories, and ensures that the product vision is feasible in the app development lifecycle.

11. How should the discovery workshop agenda be structured?

The discovery workshop agenda should start with setting the product vision, move to user story mapping, cover business strategy, and conclude with defining the expected outcomes and success metrics.

12. Is the focus on the minimum viable product (MVP) essential in a discovery workshop?

Yes, focusing on the minimum viable product ensures that the project team understands the standard or minimum functionality required to meet the target audience's needs and align with business goals.

13. Why is it crucial to define project goals in the workshop?

Defining project goals ensures the entire project aligns with the business objectives. It guides the planning process and sets clear expectations for all the stakeholders.

14. Can discovery workshops help in understanding the value proposition?

Absolutely. Through tools like the value proposition canvas, discovery workshops help in articulating the product's unique offerings and understanding its place in the market.

15. How do you ensure that the entire project team is on the same page during the workshop?

Ensuring shared understanding among all the participants is crucial. This is achieved through collaborative activities, user story discussions, and aligning on the product discovery process.

16. How does the marketing team contribute to the product discovery workshop?

The marketing team can offer market analysis, insights into potential customers, and help in refining the product vision to better resonate with the target audience.

17. Is it possible to adapt the discovery workshop to different types of projects?

Yes, the beauty of the product discovery workshop is its adaptability. Whether you're dealing with a small app or a large digital product, the workshop can be tailored to fit the project's needs.

18. What outcomes can be expected from a successful discovery workshop?

A successful discovery workshop results in a clear product vision, detailed user stories, a set business strategy, and a roadmap for the development process.

19. How does a discovery workshop help in setting the business strategy?

The workshop brings valuable insights into the target audience's needs, which, when combined with business objectives, aids in setting a holistic business strategy.

20. How often should companies conduct product discovery workshops?

While the frequency can vary, it's ideal to conduct a product discovery workshop at the start of every major project or whenever there's a significant pivot in the product direction or business goals.

How to Run a Product Discovery Workshop (With Templates and Examples)

Published on September 08, 2023


Marek Pałys Head of Sales

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