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Ready in Scrum: A Comprehensive Guide

Marek Majdak

Dec 06, 20235 min read


Table of Content

  • Background

  • Definition

  • Key Principles

  • How to Create an Effective Definition of Ready in Scrum: Step-by-Step Guide

  • Challenges

Scrum has emerged as a popular framework that allows teams to deliver high-quality products efficiently. One of the essential concepts in Scrum is the Definition of Ready (DoR), which plays a crucial role in ensuring the success of a project. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the Definition of Ready in Scrum, its background, key principles, and components.


The Definition of Ready was introduced as a concept in Scrum to address the challenges faced by development teams during Sprint Planning. It aims to ensure that the Product Backlog items (PBIs) are well-defined, understood, and ready for implementation before they are pulled into a Sprint. By clearly defining the criteria for PBIs to be considered ready, the Definition of Ready helps teams avoid ambiguity, misunderstandings, and delays during the Sprint.


The Definition of Ready in Scrum refers to a set of criteria that must be met before a Product Backlog item can be considered ready for implementation in a Sprint. It serves as a checklist for the Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team to ensure that the PBIs are well-prepared, understood, and feasible to be worked on during the Sprint.

Key Principles

The Definition of Ready in Scrum is based on the following key principles:

• Clear and Specific: The criteria in the Definition of Ready should be unambiguous, specific, and easy to understand. This ensures that there is a shared understanding among the team members about what constitutes a ready PBI.
• Collaborative: The Definition of Ready should be created collaboratively by the Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team. This promotes transparency, shared responsibility, and alignment of expectations.
• Dynamic and Evolving: The Definition of Ready is not set in stone. It should be reviewed and updated regularly to reflect the changing needs of the project and the team's evolving understanding of what it means for a PBI to be ready.


The Definition of Ready typically includes the following components:

• Clear Description: Each PBI should have a clear and concise description that outlines its purpose, goals, and expected outcomes.
• Acceptance Criteria: Well-defined acceptance criteria should be provided for each PBI, specifying the conditions that must be met for the PBI to be considered complete.
• Dependencies and Constraints: Any dependencies or constraints that may impact the implementation of the PBI should be identified and communicated.
• Estimation: The PBI should be estimated by the Development Team to determine its size and complexity, helping in the Sprint Planning process.
• Readiness Criteria: Specific readiness criteria should be defined, such as having all necessary design assets, user stories, or external dependencies in place.

By adhering to the Definition of Ready, Scrum teams can ensure that the PBIs are well-prepared, understood, and feasible before they are pulled into a Sprint. This helps in reducing rework, improving collaboration, and increasing the overall efficiency of the development process.

At Startup-House, we understand the importance of the Definition of Ready in Scrum and its impact on project success. Our experienced Agile coaches and Scrum Masters can guide your team in creating and implementing an effective Definition of Ready tailored to your specific needs. Contact us today to unlock the full potential of Scrum in your organization. The Importance of the Definition of Ready in Scrum and Its Role in Agile Development

In the world of software development, Agile methodologies have gained significant popularity due to their ability to deliver high-quality products in a fast-paced and ever-changing environment. One of the most widely used Agile frameworks is Scrum, which emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and iterative development. Within the Scrum framework, the Definition of Ready plays a crucial role in ensuring the success of a project by establishing clear guidelines for the readiness of user stories or backlog items before they can be included in a sprint.

The Definition of Ready can be understood as a set of criteria that a user story or backlog item must meet before it is considered ready for development. It serves as a checklist or a quality gate that ensures that the team has all the necessary information, clarity, and understanding to start working on a particular item. By defining and adhering to a common understanding of what it means for a user story to be ready, the team can minimize misunderstandings, reduce rework, and maintain a consistent level of productivity throughout the project.

Key principles of the Definition of Ready include:

• Clear and concise: The user story or backlog item should be well-defined, unambiguous, and easily understandable by the entire team. It should convey the intended functionality, requirements, and acceptance criteria.
• Independent and negotiable: The user story should be self-contained and not dependent on other stories. It should also be open to negotiation and refinement during backlog grooming sessions.
• Estimable: The team should be able to estimate the effort required to complete the user story accurately. This estimation helps in planning and prioritizing the backlog.
• Testable: The user story should have clear acceptance criteria that can be used to validate its successful implementation. This ensures that the team and stakeholders have a shared understanding of what constitutes a successful outcome.

By adhering to these principles, the Definition of Ready helps the team maintain a high level of transparency, collaboration, and accountability. It encourages early and continuous involvement of all stakeholders, including the product owner, developers, testers, and designers, in the refinement and validation of user stories. This involvement ensures that the team has a shared understanding of the requirements, reduces the risk of miscommunication, and increases the overall quality of the deliverables.

Furthermore, the Definition of Ready plays a crucial role in sprint planning. During the sprint planning meeting, the team selects a set of user stories from the product backlog to be worked on in the upcoming sprint. The Definition of Ready helps the team assess the readiness of each user story and make informed decisions about which items to include in the sprint. This ensures that the team commits to a realistic and achievable workload, minimizing the risk of overcommitment or underutilization of resources.

In conclusion, the Definition of Ready is a fundamental concept in Scrum and Agile development. It provides a common understanding of the readiness criteria for user stories or backlog items, ensuring that the team has all the necessary information and clarity to start working on a particular item. By adhering to the principles of the Definition of Ready, the team can enhance collaboration, reduce rework, and improve the overall quality and productivity of the project. Defining the Definition of Ready in Scrum: Key Elements and Best Practices

Scrum has emerged as one of the most popular and effective frameworks for Agile development. Scrum emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and iterative progress, allowing teams to deliver high-quality products in a timely manner. One essential concept in Scrum is the Definition of Ready, which plays a crucial role in ensuring that the team is well-prepared and aligned before starting work on a user story or task.

1. Understanding the Definition of Ready

The Definition of Ready (DoR) is a set of criteria that a user story or task must meet before it can be considered ready for implementation. It serves as a checklist or a guideline for the team to ensure that they have all the necessary information, resources, and dependencies in place to successfully complete the work. The DoR acts as a gatekeeper, preventing the team from starting work on tasks that are not well-defined or lacking essential details.

2. The Importance of the Definition of Ready

The Definition of Ready is vital for several reasons. Firstly, it helps the team avoid wasting time and effort on tasks that are not yet ready for implementation. By clearly defining the criteria that need to be met, the DoR ensures that the team focuses on tasks that are well-prepared and have a higher chance of success.

Secondly, the DoR promotes collaboration and alignment within the team. By discussing and agreeing upon the criteria for readiness, team members can clarify their understanding of the task and identify any potential roadblocks or dependencies. This shared understanding helps to foster a sense of ownership and accountability among the team members.

3. Key Elements of the Definition of Ready

The Definition of Ready typically includes several key elements that need to be addressed before starting work on a task. These elements may vary depending on the specific project or organization, but some common examples include:

• Clear and concise user story or task description
• Acceptance criteria or success metrics
• Dependencies and prerequisites
• Availability of required resources and tools
• Estimation of effort and complexity

By ensuring that these elements are well-defined and understood, the team can minimize misunderstandings, reduce rework, and improve overall productivity.

4. Best Practices for Implementing the Definition of Ready

Implementing the Definition of Ready effectively requires a collaborative and iterative approach. Here are some best practices to consider:

• Involve the entire team in defining the DoR criteria to ensure a shared understanding and commitment.
• Regularly review and update the DoR as the project progresses to reflect changing requirements or lessons learned.
• Keep the DoR concise and focused on the essential elements to avoid overwhelming the team with unnecessary details.
• Use visual aids, such as checklists or templates, to make the DoR easily accessible and visible to the team.
• Encourage open communication and collaboration within the team to address any gaps or uncertainties in the DoR.

5. Conclusion

The Definition of Ready is a crucial concept in Scrum that ensures the team is well-prepared and aligned before starting work on a user story or task. By defining clear criteria and addressing key elements, the DoR helps to minimize waste, promote collaboration, and improve overall productivity. Implementing best practices for the DoR can further enhance its effectiveness and contribute to the success of Agile projects. ide

How to Create an Effective Definition of Ready in Scrum: Step-by-Step Guide

Creating an effective Definition of Ready is crucial for successful implementation of Scrum in agile development. The Definition of Ready serves as a checklist or set of criteria that a product backlog item must meet before it can be considered ready for the development team to work on. This ensures that the team has a clear understanding of the work that needs to be done and reduces the risk of delays or misunderstandings during the sprint.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create an effective Definition of Ready in Scrum:

• Understand the Purpose: Before creating the Definition of Ready, it is important to understand its purpose. The Definition of Ready helps the product owner and the development team to align their expectations and ensure that the product backlog items are well-defined and ready for development. It sets the criteria that a product backlog item must meet before it can be taken into a sprint.

• Involve the Stakeholders: It is crucial to involve the stakeholders, including the product owner, Scrum Master, and the development team, in the creation of the Definition of Ready. This ensures that everyone has a shared understanding of the criteria that need to be met before a product backlog item can be considered ready for development.

• Identify the Key Elements: The next step is to identify the key elements that should be included in the Definition of Ready. These elements may vary depending on the project and the organization, but generally include criteria such as clear and concise user stories, acceptance criteria, prioritization, estimation, and dependencies.

• Define the Criteria: Once the key elements are identified, it is important to define the criteria for each element. For example, the user story should be written in a specific format, the acceptance criteria should be well-defined and measurable, and the dependencies should be identified and resolved before the product backlog item can be considered ready for development.

• Document the Definition of Ready: It is essential to document the Definition of Ready and make it easily accessible to all stakeholders. This ensures that there is a clear reference point for what constitutes a ready product backlog item and reduces the risk of misunderstandings or misinterpretations.

• Review and Refine: The Definition of Ready should be reviewed and refined regularly to ensure that it remains relevant and effective. It is important to gather feedback from the stakeholders and make adjustments as needed to improve the criteria and ensure that it aligns with the project goals and objectives.

By following these steps, you can create an effective Definition of Ready in Scrum that will help your team streamline the development process, reduce delays, and improve overall productivity. Remember, the Definition of Ready is a living document that should be continuously reviewed and refined to meet the changing needs of the project and the organization.

If you need assistance in creating a Definition of Ready or implementing Scrum in your organization, is here to help. Our team of experts has extensive experience in agile development and can provide guidance and support to ensure the successful adoption of Scrum methodology. 5. Common Challenges and Solutions in Implementing the Definition of Ready in Scrum


Implementing the Definition of Ready in Scrum can bring numerous benefits to a team, such as improved collaboration, increased transparency, and enhanced productivity. However, like any new process or framework, there can be challenges along the way. In this section, we will explore some of the common challenges that teams may face when implementing the Definition of Ready and provide potential solutions to overcome them.

1. Lack of Understanding
One of the most common challenges teams encounter is a lack of understanding regarding the Definition of Ready. Team members may not fully comprehend its purpose, significance, or how it fits into the Scrum framework. This can lead to confusion and resistance to adopting the practice.

The solution to this challenge lies in education and communication. It is crucial to provide comprehensive training and workshops to ensure that all team members have a clear understanding of the Definition of Ready. Regular discussions and open forums can also help address any questions or concerns, fostering a shared understanding among the team.

2. Resistance to Change
Introducing any new practice can be met with resistance, and the Definition of Ready is no exception. Team members who are comfortable with their existing ways of working may resist the change, viewing it as unnecessary or disruptive.

Overcoming resistance to change requires effective change management strategies. It is essential to communicate the benefits and rationale behind implementing the Definition of Ready, highlighting how it can improve the team's overall performance and outcomes. Involving team members in the decision-making process and addressing their concerns can also help alleviate resistance and foster a sense of ownership.

3. Lack of Ownership
For the Definition of Ready to be effective, it requires collective ownership from the entire team. However, team members may fail to take ownership of the practice, leading to inconsistent implementation or disregard for its principles.

The solution lies in fostering a culture of ownership and accountability within the team. Encouraging active participation and involvement in defining and refining the Definition of Ready can help create a sense of ownership. Regular retrospectives and feedback sessions can also provide opportunities for the team to reflect on their adherence to the practice and identify areas for improvement.

4. Unclear Criteria
Defining clear and specific criteria for the Definition of Ready is crucial for its successful implementation. However, teams may struggle to establish concrete guidelines, leading to ambiguity and confusion.

To address this challenge, it is important to collaborate as a team and establish a shared understanding of what constitutes a ready item. This can be achieved through facilitated discussions and workshops where team members can collectively define and document the criteria. Regularly reviewing and refining the criteria based on feedback and experience can also help ensure clarity and alignment.

5. Lack of Continuous Improvement
The Definition of Ready is not a static concept but should be continuously improved based on the team's evolving needs and experiences. However, teams may fall into the trap of treating it as a one-time exercise and fail to adapt and refine it over time.

Encouraging a culture of continuous improvement is crucial to overcome this challenge. Regularly reviewing and reflecting on the effectiveness of the Definition of Ready during retrospectives can help identify areas for improvement. Emphasizing the importance of feedback and encouraging team members to suggest modifications or additions to the criteria can also foster a sense of ownership and continuous improvement.

In conclusion, implementing the Definition of Ready in Scrum can come with its own set of challenges. However, by addressing these challenges through education, communication, fostering ownership, establishing clear criteria, and promoting continuous improvement, teams can successfully integrate the Definition of Ready into their Scrum practices, leading to improved collaboration, efficiency, and overall project success.

Ready in Scrum: A Comprehensive Guide

Published on December 06, 2023


Marek Majdak Head of Development

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